Friday, September 6, 2013

Prayer talk at the Discipleship meeting last night...

Last night’s talk went really well. It was exciting and such a privilege to talk about prayer. I felt so humbled to have the opportunity to share about something so marvelous and so vital to our walk with Christ. It was also really great to take the time to study prayer again and look at what the Bible says about it. It was as much needed in my own life as in that of the youth. I long to be so much more consistent, faithful and earnest in my own prayer life and am convicted of how prideful I am that I think I can succeed or even survive any part of my day without coming first to the Lord in prayer. Talking about prayer has made me so grateful to so many of my friends at Dartmouth and on summer project who have shown me what it is like to be committed to prayer, to stop at any point and pray and with whom I have experienced such powerful and intimate times of communal prayer, of seeking the Father together. Thank you.

To share a bit about what I talked on here is a quick outline:

1. What is Prayer (adoration, confession, supplication, intercession, thanksgiving)

2. The command to pray (why God commands us to pray and why we should want to pray-- all the marvelous promises/results of prayer)

3. Why we don't pray (unbelief/blindness to who God is, shame, and sin of pride and independence and what do we do about that: pray for God to open our eyes to who He is, believe on the promises of God about prayer and that through Christ we can come to him in prayer and confession of our sin of pride, unbelief, independence and believe in the gospel that cleanses us, enables us to come to God and creates in us a longing for communion with God as we rejoice in our salvation

Then we had a time of extended prayer where we went through each of the elements of prayer.

Thank you for your prayers it was so great to see the youth coming together to pray. I know God was listening, His presence was there and that He will answer in His perfect and good way to the prayers that came before Him last night.

Even though I get nervous for public speaking, I do really enjoy the challenge of it and am passionate about sharing with these youth so many truths that have and continue to so deeply impact my life. I mentioned to the main leader that if they ever need someone again that I would be willing to speak. She said that she would talk with the other leaders about it and was very encouraging of it. We typically have a pastor from town come every other week but she said she might have me speak on the other weeks so about twice a month potentially. Please pray for God’s leading and wisdom regarding this. A topic that I would love to speak on is forgiveness. Through discipleship and talking with my girls I know that unforgiveness has a strong grip on many of them. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things we are called to but also so vitally important to our relationship with God. Forgiveness isn’t a simple thing, it must be deep, it’s a process. Though I have fear speaking about it I also feel burdened to do so. Please pray that God might open up this door but ultimately that these youth would come to experience the freedom of forgiveness and the joy of obeying the Lord. 

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